Showing posts with label 3D Graffiti Name 2--Theme and Layout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D Graffiti Name 2--Theme and Layout. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2020

3D Graffiti Name 2--Theme and Layout


1. Brainstorming the theme
2. Think of an interesting composition Elements of Art and Principles of design 

3. Make a quick sketch of the 3D graffiti style name with a background- layout your ideas

4 Reference
5. Copy the sketch /ideas onto the nice paper

 Examples of the 3D graffiti name
  • a 3D effect on your names
  • has an interesting font
  • overlapped letters

2. Must have a theme
Please write the theme on the draft paper and check with Ms. Hsieh

3. Search references

A theme is-  
  • A life long lesson/ moral message
  • A big idea
  • Something the audience/reader can connect to
  • A real-world connection
  • One or two sentences
Title:  Wings on Fire
: When things get bad, you need to rise from the ashes and be strong

The Big Idea: When I was making my phoenix, I realized that the phoenix has very strong symbolism and that its immortality is very significant. I then thought about what makes a phoenix so special. It can rise from the ashes of its defeat, it can be reborn, showing that it will never give up. It also uses fire as its weapon. Fire represents strength and warmth. So I realized that a phoenix and its meaning actually goes much deeper than just a bird with fire. It’s no coincidence that a phoenix can be seen in many different tales and countries. I think we can all learn something from the phoenix.

Title: Destiny
Working hard, gaining knowledge and exploring the world will help make Earth a more beautiful and bright place
The Big Idea:
I show this theme through many components. The background consists of a dark night sky and a radiant sun rising above Earth. In the foreground is a girl on the left side who is working hard to run across, and explore the planet. The artwork also shows a book connected to the girl, which represents knowledge. On the right side is a peace symbol combined with a “Peace over war symbol” from karate, which is one of my hobbies. Altogether, the girl is working hard, gaining knowledge and exploring, and as a result, she is working towards a more peaceful and brighter future.

Title: Inside Out
Theme: Thinking outside the box can inspire you
The Big Idea: I came up with that theme because I often see kids in school struggling to come up with ideas for a project, presentation, or even just a worksheet. I feel that this theme shows that an idea can be good but in order to make it great you have to make it different and unique from the rest. 
For my topic, I chose the earth because I feel that I can relate that back to my theme. I imagined that the earth was a box and outer space and all the other planets and stars being what’s around you. My topic resembles that you sometimes have to think bigger than the earth but think about all of the undiscovered unknown places in the universe. 

 Professional picture

Title: My musical life 
Theme: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.
Big idea: Music is a universal language that we all understand. By appealing to our emotions, it has the ability to break down complex issues into things we can all relate to like love, friendship, fear, or loss. In this way, music expands our horizons and opens our minds to new ideas.  Music can change the world. Widely regarded as John Lennon's signature song- "Imagine" convey's his wish for world peace. Initially inspired by a poem written by Yoko Ono, "Imagine" is poignant as we look to the future and work towards a world without extreme poverty.

Form a discussion- theme