Showing posts with label 3D Graffiti Name- 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D Graffiti Name- 1. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

3D Graffiti Word- 1

 Graffiti Art 

 Essential Questions
  • 1. What are the fundamental differences between a “thoughtful” and “thoughtless” art?
  • 2.  How does art express identity?

Graffiti Word + Theme of your choice
You must;
1. pick a positive word that expresses your Theme/ Big idea. 

A theme is not a topic

The subject is a topic that acts as a foundation for a literary work, while a theme is an opinion expressed on the subject. For example, a writer may choose a subject of war for his story, and the theme may be his personal opinion that war is a curse for humanity.

Examples of Themes in Literature
Many of Aesop's fables end with an explicitly stated moral, or theme. For example, the tale of the tortoise and the hare typically ends with, "Slow and steady wins the race."

A theme is-  
  • A life long lesson/ moral message
  • A big idea
  • Something the audience/reader can connect to
  • A real-world connection
  • One or two sentences
Ideas of theme example

2. draw the letters with an interesting font.

Find interesting fonts from:

2. overlap and intertwine the letters so that they form a single design.

4. draw the letters appeared 3D
5. use Element of art /Principles of Design to create a full background to express the big idea.
6. use shading( colored pencils techniques) when coloring your design.
7.  craftsmanship 
8. Use google slide to document the art process to complete all assignments
How to make an object 3 dimensional?
3D effects on a 2D surface

Shading with 5 Different Value

Draft and Reference on Sketchbook 
1. A picture or a few pictures to show how you develop your 3D name in an interesting font style
2. A draft picture or pencil drawing of the 3D name portfolio including background details 
3. Reference pictures 

How to change a letter to a graffiti style?

Final Slide Assignment  

1.  A  professional photograph of your complete  Final Artwork 
2. What is the Theme
3. Give an explanation of the big idea behind the theme 

Art critique/ Comments to others
What is good?
 How to improve next time?
 Can Everyone be an artist?

 Tips for using colored pencils:

1. Pressure Shading


2. Colorless Blend

3. Add Darker Colors to Intensify Shading

4. Shade Light Colors over Dark to Blend



  Final Google Classroom Assignment 

 Rearrange Google slide
1. Essential questions
2. A professional photograph taken. The final artwork expresses a Theme and Big idea
 Professional picture

Theme: My musical life V.S.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
Big idea: I enjoy playing music on piano and cello, and I love mixing and improving the music. In other words, music plays an important part in my life, especially as a creative process. I also love listening to music in my free time to release the pressure and rejuvenates my life.  

Great artwork but ... need to crop off the unnecessary background

2.   Reference  V.S. final artwork

3. Photographs of Draft/ sketches

4. Art Critique
  • Colored pencil technique

  •  Elements of Art and Principle of Design

5.  Conclusion :
1. What was good? 
2. How could I improve? 
3. What are the new things/feelings I discovered about myself through this project?  
4. Have I tried my best effort to create a positive learning environment for everyone in this classroom?

6. Assessment