Showing posts with label Spring Couplet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Couplet. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2018

Spring Couplet

Spring Couplet


1. Students will use and be able to identify various types of line, for example in contour drawings, calligraphy, freehand studies from observation, memory, and imagination, and schematic studies.
2. Students will create symbolic artwork by substituting symbols for objects, relationships, or ideas. 
3. Students will demonstrate the ability to articulate criteria for artistic work, describe a personal style, assess and reflect on work orally and in writing, and to revise work based on criteria developed in the classroom.
4. Students will demonstrate their understanding of styles, stylistic influence, and stylistic change by identifying when and where artworks were created, and by analyzing characteristic features of artworks from various historical periods, cultures, and genres.


Why using "Words"?

The Zodiac story

 希: Hope

Students'  Artworks:
飞: Fly
能: Ability
善: Kindness
壮: Strong
象: Elephant
明: Bright
 安: Safety

温: Generousness
 智: Wisdom
谋: Strategy 
忠: Loyalty 
灵: Spirit
竹: Bamboo
理: Truth
:  Eternity

Word Bank:

Bright 明 Míng
Kindness 善
Positive 正 zhèng
Great 佳 jiā
Generous lady 淑 shū
Enlighten 悟 
Benevolence 仁 rén
Affinity 缘 yuán
Virtue 德 
Wise 博 
 Friend 友 Yǒu
 Peace 和 
 Star 星 xīng
 Nice 良 iáng
 Good 好
 Beauty, Grace 美 měi
 Gorgeous 倩 qiàn
 Handsome 俊 jùn
Clear and pure 清 qīng
 Beautiful inside out 秀 xiù
 Elegant 雅
Passion  qíng

Smile 笑 xiào

love  ài  

eternity  yǒng

fantastic 妙 miào

destiny  mìng

tranquillity  ān

peace  hé  

sunshine  guān


hope wàng
twinkle  and  shinning shǎn
bless  yòu
cozy 舒 shū
aqua water shuǐ
sentiment, soft heart 柔 róu


Shiba Inu 
忠: Loyalty Zhōng

功: Accomplishment

运: Fortune; Fate; Luck