Showing posts with label Watercolor Seasonal Landscape Painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Watercolor Seasonal Landscape Painting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Watercolor Seasonal Landscape Painting

 Watercolor  Landscape Painting

1. The student can use watercolors while filling the entire picture plane.
2. The landscape is clearly drawn with a foreground, middle ground and background. Detail has also been given to item scale with large objects in the front and smaller objects in the back.
3. Watercolors were applied in a neat and creative manner. Colors were evenly and consistently applied (there are no "blotchy" dark or light areas). Washes and neutral colors were used in the background. Brighter colors were used with more detail in the foreground.
4. Watercolor paint was applied well overall. A variety of watercolor techniques were used.
5. The student can point to the foreground, middle ground, and background within their painting while also discussing the techniques they used to create those areas. 

Google Classrom Assignmnet :
Watercolor Techniques worksheet

1. Searching   one  landscape photos. The place that  has a  personal meaning to you.  You have a great memories or thoughts from the places and you can tell a story /theory about the places. Photos must have shown foreground middle ground and background. 

2. Nature element: sky/mountain/ water/ land /rock/trees/ flowers/bushes /reflection/simple  manmade objects- boat/ houses...

3. Sketch-  classroom assignment  Check with Ms. Hsieh 

Practice 2  Light pencil sketches on your sketch book before you use the one NICE watercolor paper.  Check with Ms. Hsieh. 
Lay out the watercolor techniques on your sketches.

Student example

Everyone will have ONE watercolor paper.  

***Really Light pencil sketch to identify the objects 

How to Draw a Landscape using Atmospheric Perspective

Sketch the basic shapes of the objects lightly with a perspective view - large scales in the foreground and small scales in the background- road/path/river/tree...

Searching similar watercolor references for self-taught knowledge
Student examples
In progress

Using your sketchbook to do the watercolor experiment 

4. painting step by step

Google Classroom assignment finished painting with tile and big idea -  Pick the one you like the most to create a title and the big idea on the slide assignment. Screenshot your slide and turn it in.
light pencil sketch
wet paper with clear water

Painting background wash 

use paper towel life for the white area on the sky
Painting middle ground with a wet on wet technique, brighter colors
 dry on dry use the tail of the brush to create texture details - branches /grass
 Painting foreground with wet on dry darker colors for the shadow areas
wet on dry( very little water)- branches /tree trunk 
the second layer- you need to wait for the first layer to dry before you can apply the second layer 
using wet on wet on the lake
wet on wet on  the large area reflection
wet on dry on detailed reflection and shadow 
the final touch on the detail:  highlight with white and shadow with darker color
The final touch on shadow
save the darker colors for the last stage
Quality of the watercolor landscape painting
 More watercolor techniques are used better it gets!
  1.  Enough details to show the watercolor quality
  2.  Many watercolors techniques used
  3.  Great Zoom in objects 
  4.  The scale of the objects are clear and large enough to see the detals/ textures clear
  5.  Using many variety of shapes 
  6.  Using great color complexity- mixing colors to show different shades from the same color scheme
  7.  showing good quality of  textures
  8.  Many layers on the composition 
  9.  Has a vanished point 
 What is B/P
  • Not enough details to show the watercolor quality
  • Not many watercolors techniques used
  •  No zoom in objects 
  • The scale of the objects are too small/ far away
  • Not using the variety of shapes 
  • Not using color complexity
  • Not showing textures
  • Not enough layers- all lines are the horizontal lines 
  • Not using any vanish point 

Step by Step worksheet

 Other objects  step by step: