Monday, October 9, 2017

Line Animal

Line Animal

State Standers: 
2.8 For line, use and be able to identify various types of line, for example in contour drawing, calligraphy, freehand studies from observation, memory, and imagination, and schematic studies.
2.11 For space and composition, create unified 2D and 3D compositions that demonstrate an understanding of balance, repetition, rhythm, scale, proportion, unity, harmony, and emphasis. Create 2 D composition that gives the illusion of 3D space and volume.
4.4 Produce work that shows an understanding of the concept of craftsmanship.

What is Line?


Basic Pen Strokes

 Line Combinations can form a realistic 3D object

Line Combinations can Create Beautiful Designs


Characteristics of Zentangle Art


With the Zentangle Method, anyone can create beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is easy to learn and easy to do. And even though it is a specified series of steps, it results in a creative expression that transcends its own rules.

Fun and Relaxing

Creating Zentangle art provides a fun and lighthearted way to relax and intentionally facilitate a shift in focus and perspective. The Zentangle Method of creating art is unencumbered by dogma and cost which can weigh on other approaches. Nevertheless, it is sufficiently structured and organized so you can enjoy and benefit from an activity that otherwise might be considered whimsical.

Unexpected Results

With our Zentangle Method, we encourage you to not have a preconceived idea of your final result. Following this somewhat unusual approach, your creation is not restricted by your expectations.


Repetitive, simple steps are part of the Zentangle Method. These steps support relaxation, focus, and inspiration. It can be a wonderful daily ritual.


Creating designs, manipulating symbols and putting pen to paper is part of our human heritage. In a time of keyboards, computer mice, and cell phones, the simple strokes that are part of the Zentangle Method automatically engage you in a comfort and familiarity of timeless, basic creativity.


Everything you need to create beautiful Zentangle art can fit in your pocket. This easy to learn a method of relaxed focus can be done almost anywhere, alone or in groups, without any special abilities or costly equipment.


Our Zentangle Kit is elegantly designed, crafted and presented. If you are going to do something, then do it with the finest tools and materials available. We use the best paper and pens available to ensure your Zentangle creations will be a respected and treasured work of art. Unlike other methods of relaxation and focus, you not only feel good, you get a side effect of beautiful art to be appreciated, collected, chronicled and reflected upon for years to come.


Our Zentangle tools and method are not limited by technology. Your creativity is not directed by how someone else wrote a particular program, nor does it need batteries or electricity. Our Zentangle approach provides a counterbalance to our increasing use of computers, mice, screens, and keyboards. It returns us to that fundamentally human behavior of manipulating symbols and putting marks on paper. Nothing is pre-programmed. Your creativity is your only limit and this Zentangle method has a way of increasing and inspiring expression of your personal creativity.


It is an empowering and uplifting experience to learn that you can deliberately relax and intentionally direct your attention while creating beautiful works of art.

Rubric for Line Animals, you must:

1, measure a 1" border on your 9X12 paper.
2, Search a picture of your animal. While looking at your image, notice angle in the negative space

3,  Begin to sketch your animal making sure to plan some aspect of your animal OVERLAPPING  the border. Example: a tail, wing, beak, foot etc should go out of the box to form an interesting composition.

*Choices for Adding Values
a. Patterns in the background and Realist Value/Textures in the subject -
Analyze the animal's lines and select type of line from the animal to divide the background space into sections. Draw lines radiating out from the animal and stopping at the border. Draw lines to form the realistic values of the animal.
b.  Pattern and Value in the positive space and realist background- Analyze the animal’s shape and use line varieties to divide the animal into sections. Draw realist background according to the natural habitat, diet, life cycle, and footprint of the animal.
4. Each section will be filled with different pattern or type of line. At least you will use 8 different zentangle patterns and 5 pen techniques on your picture. Effective balance is emphasized so that each section is unified and does not overshadow another. For example, no one portion should be dark and complicated and ever other left simple and pale. 

5. Sharpie and micron are used to outline and define the animal and line varieties.

2 Choices for Adding Values
1. Patterns in the background and Realist Value/Textures in the subject-
Analyze the animal's lines and select type of line from the animal to divide the background space into sections. Draw lines radiating out from the animal and stopping at the border. Draw lines to form the realistic values of the animal.

2, Pattern and Value in the positive space and realist background-Analyze the animal’s shape and use line varieties to divide the animal into sections. Draw realist background according to the natural habitat, diet, life cycle, and footprint of the animal.

Self – Score 1-10
My composition is carefully planned, using unusual angle and balanced asymmetrically to include interesting negative space.

Are there many variations of line combinations (8 or more) to aid in to form the interesting design and avoid monotony?

Have I used at least 5 different pen textural techniques to show the tone of shading?

Have I allowed others to do their best works free from distraction? Have I cleaned up my supplies every class?
Have I used every class time to its fullest? Have I finished on time or came in for a WIN?

Zentangle Patterns

Examples of animals