Friday, January 25, 2019

How to open Photoshop Elements Editor

1. To open Photoshop, click on the Adobe Photoshop Elements 2018 Icon. Or, use the Spotlight Search in the upper right corner and type in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2018. 
2. Select on Photo Editor, New File OR Double click on Photo Editor File> New> Blank File.

3. Label File:
 FirstName LastNameinitial_AssignmentName
Width: 8 inch  
Hight: 10inch
Resolution: 72 pixels
computer monitor is made of pixels (short for "picture element"). Monitor resolution is measured in pixels, width by height. 640 x 480 resolution means that the screen is 640 pixels wide by 480 tall
Color Mode: RGBColor
Back Ground Contents: White

On the top of the Screen Please select Expert

Click OK

Tool Bar
When you hover the cursor over a tool, some have a Black Triangle in the upper right Corner for additional, related tools. Options are shown below. he options change according to the tool you have selected. 

The Layers Panel:
Every shape, image, text, etc. will appear as a new layer. A layer has the ability to move. (Think of a deck of cards)
you can alter the opacity ( or transparency) of a layer.
You have the ability to lock a layer, shut off the visibility, and merge layers together.