Friday, September 6, 2019

3D Graffiti Name Portfolio-2

Today's Time reminder is_______________ 

Art Project:  3D  Graffiti Name Portfolio  
DemonstrationMs. Hsieh's Website 
Bookmark Ms. Hsieh's website
Set up Google Classroom 
Sign out sheet- time in and time out / class code
Finish the draft drawing- Please write your name in 3D graffiti style
A theme: A life long lesson or a moral message

Design a 3D graffiti name draft 

  • Muse ave an interesting font in graffiti style- search online and show the font to Ms. Hsieh or use the booklet
  • Show 3D effects 
  • Overlapping to create space
  • Must have a theme 

Making a portfolio with a theme
Talk to Ms. Hsieh about your idea 

Work on the portfolio:
Plan space evenly with a pencil.  Sketch the design lightly.

National Core Arts standards
Creating- Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #3. Refine and complete artistic work.

Presenting -Interpreting and sharing artistic work
Anchor Standard #4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #5. Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme-based artwork for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the viewer.

Responding-Understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning.
Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Interpret art by analyzing how the interaction of subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, use of media, artmaking approaches, and relevant contextual information contributes to understanding messages or ideas and mood conveyed.
Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Create a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art.

ConnectingRelating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.
Anchor Standard #10. Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Anchor Standard #11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
Distinguish different ways art is used to represent, establish, reinforce, and reflect group identity.

A theme is not a topic

The subject is a topic that acts as a foundation for a literary work, while a theme is an opinion expressed on the subject. For example, a writer may choose a subject of war for his story, and the theme may be his personal opinion that war is a curse for humanity.

Examples of Themes in Literature
Many of Aesop's fables end with an explicitly stated moral, or theme. For example, the tale of the tortoise and the hare typically ends with, "Slow and steady wins the race."

A theme is-  

  • A life long lesson/ moral message
  • A big idea
  • Something the audience/reader can connect to
  • A real-world connection
  • One or two sentences

    Student Example
 8th grade-Theme: 
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

7th grade-Title: My Musical Life

Big idea: I enjoy playing music on piano and cello, and I love mixing and improving the music. In other words, music plays an important part in my life, especially as a creative process. I also love listening to music in my free time to release the pressure and rejuvenates my life.  

2.   Reference  V.S. final artwork

Work on the portfolio:
Plan space evenly with a pencil.  Sketch the design lightly.
Layout the space first

Select a Table Captain for the week
Captain- Collect portfolios 
Report back to Ms. Hsieh about how many points your teammates would earn for the day.  
Captain will distribute other jobs:

  • Handouts/ booklets
  • Sharpies 
  • Colored pencils
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Wipe tables with a sponge
  • Dry tables with a paper towel
  • Push chair under the table
 8-03 Place the chairs on the tables every  Wednesday and Friday

When you finish your job then ask Ms. Hsieh to check to get a Red Cleaning Pass.
Exit ticket:  Say Thank you, Ms. Hsieh, and give back the Red Cleaning Pass.
You will stay until you have a Red Cleaning Pass to go to the next class.

Conduct Points: 
Captains: up to 5 points
Be a Role Model-Remind the table using the quiet voice and work hard
Be a Teaching Assistant- clear directions
Be a helpful Problem Solver- positive actions
Be a Leader- assign the cleaning jobs 
Be a Protector- Stay late to check everyone /thing is well 
Team members: up to 3 points
Great Participation-  respect everyone; use indoor voice; work hard 
Great Team Spirit- be helpful,  have a positive attitude/action
Being Responsible - complete Cleanup duty