Thursday, October 24, 2019

Coil Pottery-Week 5

Take pictures of Greenware before firing in the kiln:

Bisqueware painted with the underglaze

Google Slide
Cover page: Coil Pottery from Ancient to Present+ ClassCode+ First name + Last Name initial
Save the presentation in this title: Coil Pottery+ First name + Last Name initial

A. Essential Questions:
1. What are the special qualities of clay that allow it to be both sculptural and functional?
2. What knowledge and basic actions does one need to make a successful piece of creating with clay?
3. How is the kiln involved in pottery production, and how does the clay change after firing? 
4. How do artists and designers document the development of their artistic process and why?
B. Final artwork of glaze ware
 2-3 photos to show a different aspect of views
C. Theme and Big idea
1. Theme is an educational and positive moral message/ advice that you would like to convey to the school/ community/ world.
2. The big idea is to further explain the theme with personal internalized insights and stories.

D. The process of planning
1. Drafts
2. Three coil design with symbolic meaning( sketches+ explanation)
3. Objects related to the theme( sketch) 
4. Does it have a function?
5. Where is the sculpture will be displayed?
E. The process of making the sculpture
1. 2-3 Photos of greenware before firing
2. 2-3 Photos of bisque ware with painted underglaze
F. Reference
1. Where do you get the ideas for the coils?
2. Do you have references for the objects?
G. Critique
1. What was good? 
2. How could I improve? 
 Make sure the critique is based on the following rubric:
  • How do I stabilize the coils? How many coil designs I use for the pottery?
  • How do I avoid the air bubble when building my additions/objects?  What are the objects? How do I form it?
  • Do I try any effort to smooth clean the pottery 
H. Conclusion
1. What are the new things/feelings I discovered about myself through this project?  
2. Have I tried my best effort to create a positive learning environment for everyone in this classroom?
3. How do I clean up for every art class?