Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Artistic Style Flower Painting-Week1

Coil Pottery from Ancient to Present Slide 
Due date: 12/6 
Extention 12/9 
10 points will be taken off when submitting the slide after the due date. 
Make sure to clarify the clay stage


Bisqueware painted with the underglaze

Coil Pottery from Ancient to Present slide assessment:
Each category is 10 points except D and E are 20 points
A. Essential questions:
B. Final artwork of Glazeware
C. Theme and the big idea
D. The process of planning-20 pointsE. The process of making the sculpture-20 points
G. Critique
H. Conclusion

Intro-Artistic Style Flower Painting
Work on the slide- Artist Study
Rubric posted in Google Classroom Assignment 
Ms. Hsieh's Slide Example
Find one painting of flowers in a vase and show the painting to Ms. Hsieh.
Exit ticket:  First 2 slides or book for a WIN