Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Artistic Style Flower Painting-Week4

Painting the picture!!

  • Sowing the evidences of three things you have learned from your artist research. 

1. Make sure you have designed a pattern for the table cloth.

2.  Painting the background with watercolor- add white showing different value in watercolor

2. Painting leaves and stems with acrylic paint. Please use a paper plate to be the paint pallet. Please clean the brushes you used.  When the buses dried with acrylic paint on them, the brushed will be ruined. 
Showing the evidence of tint and shade color mixing techniques.

All leaves will have a different shade of green( add white and  yellow)

3. Painting flowers with Acrylic paints. 
Painting Texture: create brush strokes
Color mixing:  various color mixing using the  same/similar /analogs/tint and shade color scheme values