Tuesday, February 4, 2020

AOA Protofolio-3

1. Calligraphy style of the Chinese name
Getting A Chinese Name
Chinese Character Strokes Steps and Calligraphy
Chinese Calligraphy Fonts
Shared Chinese Name Google Doc.

2.  Background- oriental cultural aspect 

The image can be searched under the keyword:
Dragan,  Phoenix, Chinese landscape painting, Chinese painting, Bamboo, lotus, Chinese symbol, Penda, cherry blossom

A theme is-  
  • A life long lesson/ moral message
  • A big idea
  • Something the audience/reader can connect to
  • A real-world connection
  • One or two sentences
The Big Idea 
What is a big idea?
A big idea must convey your unique perspective. You need to articulate to the audience why they should care enough about your perspective.  It is a positive and moral message that conveys a life long lesson.

Theme: When things get bad, you need to rise from the ashes and be strong
The Big Idea: When I was making my phoenix, I realized that the phoenix has very strong symbolism and that its immortality is very significant. I then thought about what makes a phoenix so special. It can rise from the ashes of its defeat, it can be reborn, showing that it will never give up. It also uses fire as its weapon. Fire represents strength and warmth. So I realized that a phoenix and its meaning actually goes much deeper than just a bird with fire. It’s no coincidence that a phoenix can be seen in many different tales and countries. I think we can all learn something from the phoenix.

 Elements of Art and Principles of Design