Showing posts with label Art Portfolio- 3 points perspective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Portfolio- 3 points perspective. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Art Portfolio- Name 3 points perspective

How can you make a drawing appear three-dimensional using perspective? 

Students will: 
1. Practice perspective through the perspective worksheets
2. Show their understanding of Three-point perspective by drawing their name using three-point perspective techniques
3. Apply past knowledge of shading to push the three-dimensional look 
4. Apply the art concept of Elements of Art and Principles of Design
4. Have a theme to create a personal portfolio

What Is Perspective?

Perspective is a method of drawing objects on a two-dimensional surface to give the right impression of height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.

What is Linear perspective?
There are many types of perspective drawing. Linear perspective refers to using a set of rules that guide a drawing’s lines towards various vanishing point(s). This converging of lines is what helps an artist achieve the illusion of depth within a drawing.

There are 3 main types of  Linear perspective drawing:
  • 1 point perspective
  • 2 point perspective
  • 3 point perspective
How is it different from 1 and 2 point?
3 point perspective artwork 
Points of view: 
Bird's Eye corner view(Above looking down)
Horizon line is high up on the paper

What is 3 point Name perspective drawing?
Points of view:  
worm's Eye corner view(Below looking up)

Horizon line is low on the paper
  • Both use the 3-pt formula. Only height of HL changes and placement of 3rd VP.

Basic Principle of 3 point perspective drawing


Following along with the step by step directions for the 3 point perspective NAME  demo.
Please use the practice sheets, a pencils and a ruler for  this project.

Step 1: Write down a name that is 5,7 or 9 letters on you draft sheet

Step 2: Mark the middle name with an arrow

Step 3  Find your middle letter in the square tag alphabet sheet
You can also create your own font for the box letters

Step 4:  Use  the square tag alphabet to draw the vertical lines as Converging lines to the vanishing point at the bottom of the page 

This is a  Letter "Y"

Step 5- Draw a Converging line for all the vertical lines for the letter 
Step 6- Draw all the horizontal lines as converging lines to the vanishing point to the left side 
Step 7-Erase the lines which are not part of the letter
Step 8- Draw all converging lines from rest of the corners on the front of the letters to the vanishing point on the opposite side

Step 9- Draw all converging lines from the  rest of corners on the front of the letter to the vanishing point on the opposite side. 

Step 10- Draw all converging lines from the corners you created to the vanishing point at the bottom.

Step 11- On this practice paper you will NOT be able to, but some lines will need to be erased to finish the letter.
The exemplar finished one should look like:

Three Point Perspective Name Rubric:
1.  Your name should have at least 5-9 letters.
2.  Create the middle letter on both sides of the corners.
3.  All letters are presented as accurately in 3 point  perspective. All lines lead to the correct varnishing point. Linear perspective is used with a ruler.
4. Have a theme to indicate a personal interest. The art work is original and unique in design. 
5.  Shading placement is well chosen and complements the design. 
6. Piece is complete. The design is completed and includes Elements of Art and Principles of Art
7. Turn in on time through Google classroom.( Fail to turn in the art project will get ZERO for your grade.)   If you can not turn in on time  your have the following choices: 
a. Please ask for extension and provide a date for  turning in your project.   
b. Turn in your unfinished artwork for partial of the credit. ( Fail to turn in the art project will get ZERO on your grade.)   

Google classroom Assignment exemplar
1. Professional picture of portfolio with Theme and Big idea
 Professional picture

Theme( title): My musical life
Big idea: I enjoy played music on piano and cello, and I love mixing and improving music. In other words, music plays an important part in my life, especially as a creative process. I also love listening to music in my free time to release the pressure and rejuvenates my life.  

 Not Professional Picture

2.   Reference 

3.  Assessment
4. Art Critique
  • Colored pencil technique

  •  Elements of Art and Principle of Design