Coil Pottery Rubrics:
1. Build at least 3 types of coils with symbolic meaning that you have searched the ideas from Ancient pottery.
2. Using coil techniques to build a coiled vessel base: At least 1/2 of the sculptural must use coil technique.
3. Must have an interesting form.
- The uneven high of the top-level coil.
- Cut out apart design
- Curvy wall
4. Add on: One or more additional objects to support the theme and the big idea.
- On the top
- On the wall
- In between/ in the middle
Base - a geometric shape
How to make a coil?
- Full revolution
- The thickness of the coil is about the size of the pencil.
Score and slip- Inner coil wall: Move the clay together and smooth the surface for waterproof purpose.
make a base and build up the coil
Form the addition objects
Save the space on the base for the additional objects