First 5
When you enter Art room
1. Put binder away- Binder table
2. Take out a pencil
*Students are expected to bring a pencil to every class.
- Ask
- Sign out sheet
- Return end of class
- Sharpen before or after Ms. Hsieh explains agenda
3. Find your portfolio from the Class Code shelves (Table Captains will distribute )
4. Sit in your seat and wait quietly
5. Look at board for directions
During the class time
1. Listen to Chime and wait 5 seconds silent and have eye contact to Ms. Hsieh for directions
2. Raise hand for a question
3. Sign out to use the
restroom/locker/nurse or get water
4. Noise Level
- Silent when listen to the teacher and speaker
- Quiet talking when entering class, brainstorming ideas
- Talk for art discussion and presentation
5. Ask permission when use Chrome Book/ iPad
6. Countertop pencil sharpener is for pencils only not colored pencils
6. Countertop pencil sharpener is for pencils only not colored pencils
End of class
1. Class Time reminder (5-7 minutes before the end) Art schedule is on the board
2. Table captain assigns jobs as like:
1. Class Time reminder (5-7 minutes before the end) Art schedule is on the board
2. Table captain assigns jobs as like:
- Put portfolios away
- Put materials away
- (iPads/Pencils/ sharpies/ colored pencils/ tools/ brushes....)
- Wipe the tables
- Check Sink area
- Push chairs in and check floor (The last class for the day needs to put all the chairs on the tables )
4. Will not be dismissed until room is in order and students in seat
Say Thank You to the teacher