Showing posts with label Class Procedure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Class Procedure. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Class Procedure

First 5
When you enter Art room

1. Put binder away- Binder table
2. Take out a pencil
*Students are expected to bring a pencil to every class. 
  • Ask
  • Sign out sheet
  • Return end of class
  • Sharpen before or after Ms. Hsieh explains agenda
3. Find your portfolio from the Class Code shelves (Table Captains will distribute )
4.  Sit in your seat and wait quietly
5. Look at board for directions

During the class time
1. Listen to Chime and wait 5 seconds silent and have eye contact to Ms. Hsieh for directions 
2. Raise hand for a question
3. Sign out to use the 
restroom/locker/nurse or get water
4. Noise Level

  • Silent when listen to the teacher and speaker
  • Quiet talking when entering class, brainstorming ideas 
  • Talk for art discussion and presentation 
5. Ask permission when use Chrome Book/ iPad 
 6. Countertop pencil sharpener is for pencils only not colored pencils

End of class
1. Class Time reminder (5-7 minutes before the end) Art schedule is on the board
2. Table captain assigns jobs as like: 
  • Put portfolios away
  • Put materials away
  • (iPads/Pencils/ sharpies/ colored pencils/ tools/ brushes....)
  • Wipe the tables
  • Check Sink area
  • Push chairs in and check floor 
  • (The last class for the day needs to put all the chairs on the tables )
3. Sit in assigned seat
4. Will not be dismissed until room is in order and students in seat
Say Thank You to the teacher